Sunday, March 20, 2011

I’m Living with a Terrorist

17 Mar

My cat is making me doubt my ability to be a good mother.
I sometimes think about killing my cat.
I’m having a really hard time dealing with my cat’s dependency issues.
She used to just be a very loving cat who would rub up against me to see if I was interested in her affection.  If she deemed it appropriate, she would launch into an all out love fest all over my lap, legs, feet – wherever she could maneuver herself for my attention.
But now she’s a monster.
From the moment I wake up, she’s there – staring at me.  She follows me into the bathroom, follows me from the shower to my bedroom, and from the bedroom to the door.  I used to think she did it because she was hungry, but every time I rush to feed her in the morning, there is still evidence of her meal from the evening prior.
Sometimes I get so creeped out by her watching me get dressed that I put her outside the door until I’m finished.
When I come home after work she goes into full attack mode, tripping me while I walk, lurking over me while I cook, and sometimes ramming her head into my hand so forcefully that I have actually spilled things on myself.   She’s insatiable.
I thought her new attitude was a symptom of loneliness.  I thought that perhaps I wasn’t spending enough time with her.  But regardless of whether I pet her for an hour straight and follow it up with a rousing game of “chase the laser” or I ignore her all day, she cannot be tamed.  I’ve fed her treats, massaged her, pet her nicely, pet her harshly, picked her up, taken her for a walk (yes, I took my cat for a walk), and let her lie on me even when it’s incredibly inconvenient.  None of it helps.  If I want to read something, I have to do it standing up or my book will get forcefully nudged out of my hand, and she will spend her time putting her body between me and the page I am reading.
She has been known to lie down directly on top of something I have in my hand as I read it.
At night I’m so terrorized by her that even when I’m not yet asleep, I slow down my breathing and fake it so she moves on.
I’m living in fear and I can’t take it anymore.  It’s a wonder I can even do a blog a day without her putting her litter-laden paws all over the keys and foiling my attempts.
Recently, I’ve been feeling slightly maternal.  I don’t know if it’s the soon-to-be-aunt in me or the ticking of my own biological clock,  but babies are starting to kind of grow on me.    But now I’ve got this insatiable cat and I’m starting to feel like my entire life revolves around her and her ridiculous requests and I just can’t do this.
I can’t be a mom if my cat is introducing me to what I can expect from motherhood.  I fear I may become violent. 

Finally Revealed! Closely Guarded Secrets Of Attracting Beautiful Women By Making Them Laugh...!!


I've Tried Everything

It's true — I've tried everything in attracting women and attracting women fast...
I've spent a fortune buying dating books, attending seminars and dating women; I've learned a great deal from excellent courses and even books that are plain rubbish; I've had countless dates that ended in my bedroom and ones that ended with a slap in the face...
And here's the absolute truth that's proven to me time and time again:
Brilliant pick up lines, various approaching techniques, covert language patterns, "Prize Psychology", hypnosis scripts, outlandish clothing, NLP, Pheromone sprays, the "right" attitudes... NONE of those will ever work unless you're good at making women laugh.
Because humor is the shortcut to attraction.
In fact, if you happen to have looked elsewhere for information on dating you'd realize that all those dating experts emphasize on the ability to make women laugh.
But they don't tell you how.

The Power Of Humor

I have a question for you:
"Would you prefer to be with someone who can consistently make you laugh heartily or someone who wear fancy clothes and talk in a 'peculiar' way? (Or maybe both?)"
Psychological studies have shown that during an initial contact, it's psychologically impossible to dislike someone who has made you laugh genuinely for 5 times or more. (According to my experience, the word "dislike" should be replaced by "resist the attraction of".)
Think about it. It's basic human nature to avoid pain and gain pleasure. What do we do when we experience pleasure? We smile or laugh! Laughter means pleasure, and humor is what creates laughter.
Humor is powerful - much more powerful than most people have ever imagined and will ever know. However, most men will get stuck in a place called "Average, Dull And Boring" for their entire lives.
But I want you to be different; I want you to be funny; I want you to be way more attractive than average. I want you to have an edge over all the rest.
And I want you to feel a deep sense of satisfaction as other men marvel at your amazing ability to make women laugh and fall in love.
What do women themselves say? I can quote you countless letters or surveys in major female magazines such as Elle, Vogue, Cosmo... I can ask you to check out the profiles on dating websites (they usually have a section for women to declare what type of men they're looking for)... I can ask you to go and find proof on TV and movie screen...
But you don't need this extra proof to convince yourself that the ability to make women laugh is the basis of attraction (and the trademark of a charming man).
In fact, reliable statistics showed that 82% of women consistently rank humor as one of the top 3 qualities of men they want to date.

Why Make Women Laugh?

Some guys look at women's laughter as a "by-product" of a healthy, promising conversation. To them, laughter is JUST something good to have, and they can perfectly live without it.
But that fact is... Laughter alone can make women fall in love with you. The more she laughs, the better your chance is. If you can keep her laughing her head off, you're "almost there". Conversely, if you want to make a woman fall in love with you, you have to be able to make her laugh.
Laughter is not merely "good to have". It's pretty much all you need. If you really want to attract women easily and quickly, you must be able to make her laugh at any time, any place, and any way you want.
But the sad truth is... Not many of us can really claim to be funny.
Sure, all of us can crack a joke or two. Sometimes we can be quite funny for a whole night. But can you do it consistently time after time, night after night? Are you able to systematically and carefully construct "humor messages" to suit different women's tastes? Do you know the secrets that will make humor a natural part of you so that it's effortless to stay humorous and charming?
You know what? The ability to make any woman laugh and fall in love is inside each of us. Even if your answer to any of those questions is not a confident "YES", you can choose to reclaim your power of humor. You can stop being boring, or average, once and for all.

Making Women Laugh Is A Science

Some other guys talk about the "art" of making women laugh.
Sure, they can call themselves "artists" as they like, but the problem is... once they treat "making women laugh" as an art, they have very few rules to rely on and they can't really measure their results. Making women laugh becomes an uncertain event.
But the fact is... Making women laugh is a science.
I've devoted several years of my life studying the science of making women laugh, which involved "textbook after textbook of theories". (It could get quite intimidating, dry and technical, opposed to what you might think.)
I came to the conclusion that human beings' reactions to different types of "humor stimuli" are predictable. And there are tested-and-proven methods to match a piece of humor with a subject's education, personality, and cultural background to induce laughter. Any man, regardless of look, intelligence, education, and personality, can unleash his power of humor to make women laugh and fall in love.
Trying to make a woman fall in love with you can really test a man. You already know what you want, you want her. The problem is not in identifying your desires, it’s in making your desire become HER desire. Now, you might think that you can tackle this problem on a logical level, most guys do. They think that all they have to do is to prove that they are the better match for her and she will fall in love with them. And that is where it all starts to fall apart for most men.
Using logical ways to make a woman fall in love will only leave you frustrated like you would not believe. If you are going to end up getting the girl and making her fall in love with you, then you have to look past logical ways of doing this and focus on changing and charging her emotions so that she really *feels* like she is falling in love with you.
Here are a few tips you can use to make any woman fall in love with you:
1) Women fall in love with guys that make them feel emotions that other men cannot make them feel.
This is why the bad boy always seems to be the one who ends up getting the girl even when it doesn’t really make any sense. It’s not really because he is a bad boy, it’s because he can make her feel emotions that other men cannot and she likes it. If you want to get a woman to fall in love with you, then you need to be able to make her feel all of the right emotions.
2) Trying too hard to make her like you will make it harder to make her fall in love with you.
It’s one of those funny and peculiar things about love and attraction, the harder you try to make a woman fall in love, the more likely it is that it won’t happen. It’s an urge that you are going to have to fight if you want to make her fall for you. Don’t think that the harder you try, the more she will see you as the perfect guy for her, because it will not happen.
3) Use your eyes to create massive chemistry and attraction with her.
Ignoring your eyes when dealing with a woman you want to make fall in love with you can be a big mistake. When you are able to create massive chemistry and attraction with a woman using just your eyes, you don’t have to worry about having the right thing to say. You can make her fall for you just with the way that your eyes speak to her.
You probably make it harder on yourself than it has to be. If you know what attracts a woman and how to read a woman’s body language, then you can easily figure out how to make her fall in love with You.

How To Make A Woman Fall In Love- Tips To Make Any Woman Fall In Love With You

Trying to make a woman fall in love with you can really test a man. You already know what you want, you want her. The problem is not in identifying your desires, it’s in making your desire become HER desire. Now, you might think that you can tackle this problem on a logical level, most guys do. They think that all they have to do is to prove that they are the better match for her and she will fall in love with them. And that is where it all starts to fall apart for most men.
Using logical ways to make a woman fall in love will only leave you frustrated like you would not believe. If you are going to end up getting the girl and making her fall in love with you, then you have to look past logical ways of doing this and focus on changing and charging her emotions so that she really *feels* like she is falling in love with you.
Here are a few tips you can use to make any woman fall in love with you:
1) Women fall in love with guys that make them feel emotions that other men cannot make them feel.
This is why the bad boy always seems to be the one who ends up getting the girl even when it doesn’t really make any sense. It’s not really because he is a bad boy, it’s because he can make her feel emotions that other men cannot and she likes it. If you want to get a woman to fall in love with you, then you need to be able to make her feel all of the right emotions.
2) Trying too hard to make her like you will make it harder to make her fall in love with you.
It’s one of those funny and peculiar things about love and attraction, the harder you try to make a woman fall in love, the more likely it is that it won’t happen. It’s an urge that you are going to have to fight if you want to make her fall for you. Don’t think that the harder you try, the more she will see you as the perfect guy for her, because it will not happen.
3) Use your eyes to create massive chemistry and attraction with her.
Ignoring your eyes when dealing with a woman you want to make fall in love with you can be a big mistake. When you are able to create massive chemistry and attraction with a woman using just your eyes, you don’t have to worry about having the right thing to say. You can make her fall for you just with the way that your eyes speak to her.
You probably make it harder on yourself than it has to be. If you know what attracts a woman and how to read a woman’s body language, then you can easily figure out how to make her fall in love with You.

Friday, March 18, 2011

D main reason why we fall in love

a warm welcome to all of u :)..
there are many readers who may think they know all about dis thing we call love but still there r many thing we know but we never confess that to us..(yes/no)
so my story start like dis i have 7 relations(m currently with my 8th gf) but still sum time i realize that m not happy..(m not tharki or nympho) so last night a thought came in my mind it was something like
love is nothing but psychological need(murray theory and maslow hierarchy)  . we tend to find support in others!! every time we broke up we promise that we will not repeat dis mistake but still we do that.. we get in sum other relationship to prove show our self how much we have learn from our previous mistakes then something happen Nd we go into other relation Nd this continues till we find the perfect match for us(if ever).
yes there can be other reasons like we want to fill that void,space in our life..the need of that special someone who will be with us in our good nd our bad time..!!
Many of you will never agree with me and my thought but still ask yourself this question WHY WE FALL IN LOVE?? and you will find that i was right..
this was a short post but i will write full post about this..till then gudbiee(why we say goodbye coz we dont want to see that person again??) so not goodbye but a badbyee..:)